Thursday, July 4, 2013

Home i'm Home..

POLAANNDDDD!!!! you know its college holiday.. everyone lets to be happy. home i'm home.. gosh after 1 year to not say hi to my lovely place i born. this place so much pretty-lovely.. my SHS, JHS, all friends in here so much lonely as i feels too. the weather was so hot, humble, and made me feeling like a childhood again(summer) i always potrait every what i do and what i meant to be..

Want to said thank you for my bestfriend eza sebastian for taken this pic! more photos on

How much i miss they all ?? MUCH OF LOVE!! worst thing i did with my lovely dog, you can call him Sam.. sam is my best best and best ever friend for me in poland. too long to not get annoying with him. somehow, behind it sam looking a like so funny and clean. sharing all stories in college, boston, with my beloved family, bestfriends, and my boyfriend. this time is the most student in the world waiting for.. comn back to their come from to sharing all memories together and whatever. see you in the next post written by my self.

lots of love, 